桂柳文化 2024届高考桂柳鸿图模拟金卷(二)英语

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桂柳文化 2024届高考桂柳鸿图模拟金卷(二)英语试卷答案


桂柳文化 2024届高考桂柳鸿图模拟金卷(二)英语

4.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Writer and reader.B.Guide and tourist.C.Salesman and customer.

桂柳文化 2024届高考桂柳鸿图模拟金卷(二)英语

33. What does the author want to say in paragraph 3?C.A.Other governments don't plan to recycle food was tB. 100 percent of food waste goes into landfills worldwide.C. South Korea is successful in dealing with the unused food.D. South Korea should follow others'way of building the system.

得分评卷人Ⅱ.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)B3)6. A. Never mind. B. Yes, please. C.Of course not.B 7. A. Thank you B. Not at all. C.You re welcome.8.A. It’s fine. B. Help yourself.C. Sorry to hear that.() 9. A. Just for you. B. Nothing much.C. You have a point.10.A.Calme, please.B. Follow me, please.C. Answer me, please.

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