2024全国高考分科综合卷 老高考(四)4英语

2024全国高考分科综合卷 老高考(四)4英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2024全国高考分科综合卷 老高考(四)4英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


2024全国高考分科综合卷 老高考(四)4英语试卷答案


2024全国高考分科综合卷 老高考(四)4英语

34.What does the underlined part“induced by”in paragraph 6 probably mean?A.Drowned by.B.Reduced to. C.Caused by. D.Compared to.

2024全国高考分科综合卷 老高考(四)4英语

34.What does the underlined part“induced by”in paragraph 6 probably mean?A.Drowned by.B.Reduced to. C.Caused by. D.Compared to.

. -What delicious food! How long have you prepared for the dinner?-Thanks. I preparing for it last Saturday when I decided to invite you.____A. have begun B. beganC. will begin D.begin

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