





While others may 47 the friendship due to the 97-year gap(代沟) between the twopals, when Benjamin sees Mary, he simply sees a 48 , not a number.Although the pair's 49 connection scores high on the cuteness factor, Sarah, who is____Benjamin's mother, and Mary's adult daughter believe the relationship has been a lifelinethat's kept the elderly woman 50 the hard times.As pandemic restrictions have lifted, Mary and Benjamin 's 51 continues to grow onboth sides of the fence. Benjamin joins Mary on her back steps to play games and enjoy theactivities that bring 52 to each other.“Friendship can just 53 in many different ways, ”Sarah told CBS.“I'm just reallyhappy they were able to form this one. It 54 a lot to her and to him too.”In August, when Mary celebrates her 100th birthday, Benjamin and his family will bethere to help her blow out the candles and make a 55 But the last thing s he will bewishing for is a best friend because she's already got one.41.A.teases B.teaches C.cures D.visits42.A.asleep B.alive C.alone D.awake43.A.declined B.managed C.failed D.pretended43.A.44.A.eventually B.suddenly C.directly D.randomly45.A.ages B.races C.colors D.identities46.A.task B.secret C.test D.game47.A.assess B.doubt C.admire D.praise48.A.neighbor B.daughter C.friend D.mother49.A.official B.illegal C.common D.special50.A.getting throughB.suffering fromC.coming acrossD.sorting out51.A.bond B.work C.limitation D.imagination52.A.honesty B.joy C.grace D.creativity53.A.change B.break C.happen D.fade54.A.explains B.benefits C.costs D.means


A. Modern cities.B. Natural landsea pe.12.Which park is famous for rainforest?C. Historie buing s.A. Banff National Park. B. Elk Island National ParkC. Pacific Rim National Park.

6.What are the speakers talking about?A. Where to have lunch.B.What to have for lunch.C.Whether to have lunch.
