





Until one day, I woke up and found I was so 49 of talking down to myself. I decided____I was going to 50 with my self-esteem and I was going to win this war. I started byfocusing on gaining little victories. I showed up on time to work every day and doubled my51 I began to take pride in my possessions and in keeping things 52 . Every day ____would write down a list of positive qualities I had. I would also write down everything I hadaccomplished that day 53 goals I had set. As time went on, I was getting in increasinglybetter shape through my54____to exercise. I was performing better at my job, and mostimportantly I felt more 55 41. A. assume B. accomplish C. appreciate D. assign.42. A. prove B.believe C.avoid D.share43. A. criticism B.approval支持 C. admirationn欣赏D. ignorance大和44. A. honest B. positive C. creative D. realistic现实的45. A. SurprisinglyB. Naturally C. Fortunately D.Typically


20.What is mainly shown in the book?A.The love shown for the people in need.B.The excellent skills Grandpa teaches children.C.The valuable relationship between generations.

29. Why should parents reduce text messages when receiving so many?A.To let experts give some advice. B. To show their ignorance to the messages.C.To reduce the children's anxiety. D. To give children too much comfort
