





2.What does the man mean in the end? aA. His father is not good at cooking.B. He hates drinking hot chocolate. C. He will peep are dinner for the woman.m g an


24.What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?A.Vegetables are plentiful in Saskatchewan.B.People in Saskatchewan can't get fresh vegetables.C.Hydroponic farms are very popular in Saskatchewan.D.The climate in Saskatchewan is not good for farming.

websites, magazines and books to get more information about your hobby.Morc rca ding makes you abetter reader and a better leamer.They Help You Be CreativeFor many hobbies, such as building model cars and making pottery, you have to use your brainas well as your hands.We learn by doing things and by touching things.These kinds of activitiesmake people more creative.14.____Having a hobby makes you feel good. Scientists say, “When you make something, the‘feel-good part of your brain gets a message.It makes you feel happy.”When we feel happy, we haveless stress.Too much stress can make people sick.15.____People with hobbies learn how to set goals and solve problems. Learning these skills when youare young can help you when you grow up.For so mc kids, having a hob hy can be the first step lofinding a satisfying job in the future.A.They Help You Be RelaxedB.They Help You Be ConfidentC.They Help You LearnD.They Help You Build Skills第二部分 知识运用(共两节,满分25分)
