非凡吉创 2024届高三年级TOP二十名校调研考试三(243065D)英语

非凡吉创 2024届高三年级TOP二十名校调研考试三(243065D)英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于非凡吉创 2024届高三年级TOP二十名校调研考试三(243065D)英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


非凡吉创 2024届高三年级TOP二十名校调研考试三(243065D)英语试卷答案


非凡吉创 2024届高三年级TOP二十名校调研考试三(243065D)英语

32.Rachel Carson's Silent Spring“alt cred the course of history”becaus c .____A.it made pco plea war c of the abuse of pesticidesB.it started a wave of c nvironmental is m across the worldC.it cx plain cd a complex technical subject in a sim plc wayD.it led to the c ration of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

非凡吉创 2024届高三年级TOP二十名校调研考试三(243065D)英语

2.How did the author change the frustrating situation?A.By sending applications. B.By offering contracts.C.By keeping writing. D.By publishing books.

12. Which courses will the man choose?____ AA. Weekend courses.B.Full-time winter courses.C.Full-time summer courses.

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