2023~2024学年度高二高中同步月考测试卷 新教材(二)英语

2023~2024学年度高二高中同步月考测试卷 新教材(二)英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2023~2024学年度高二高中同步月考测试卷 新教材(二)英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


2023~2024学年度高二高中同步月考测试卷 新教材(二)英语试卷答案


2023~2024学年度高二高中同步月考测试卷 新教材(二)英语

50.A. desig B.plans C.gifts D.notes.A. rememberingB.reading C.explaining D. translating552. A. book B. moment C.mistake D.promise艺53..A. secret B festival C. tradition D.experimentA . A. interested inB.curious aboutC. sympathetic toD.thankful for55..A.discussion B.scene C. decision D.word

2023~2024学年度高二高中同步月考测试卷 新教材(二)英语

8.What can be the best title for this passage?A.B have:a Promising Young ManB.Tha ely:Killer of Waste Plastic BagsC.Tha ely Tex:Material Out of Plastic BagsD.Trio Tap Technologies:a Waste Management Plantfellow meeting 22, like colleagues, clients or friends.A good rule of thumb is to arrive somewhere between ten to fifteen minutes before yourappointment is 23 to begin. you'll have enough time to get settled in.9.A.early B.fast C.steady D.exact

30. What is Carlos Watson's attitude towardsls C。 na?A. Grateful.B. Doubtful. C. Praise ful.

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