





667. What will computers be able to do in the future according to the last paragraph?A. Talk like human beings. B.Have feelings.C.Talk with dead people. D.Heal sick people.


听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。A. The woman's s on. BB.The woman's friend.C. The woman's h usb8.What bothers the man?A. When to go t+7the zoo0. B. How to persuade Melissa.C.Where to hold the

something 51my eye. A couple pushing a baby carriage 52 for us. Isprang out of my seat and practically ran to greet them. More neighbors came.The y 53 themselves to each other. Everyone stayed well into the night,saying it was their favorite54 I’ve learned that people are willing to dosomething new and dif e le41. A. broke downifferent: Love totheir neighbors.C.showed up42. A. difficultB. dropped outD. called backB. normal C. necessaryD.strange43. A. suddenlyB. eventually C. usuallyy D.secretly44. A. appointmentB.idea C. discoveryD.taskk45. A. newB. traditional C. fancy D.small46. A. wanderB. exploree C.exercise D. socialize47. A. neighborsB. relatives C.friends D.colleagues48. A. doubtedB. approved C. tolerated D.declared49. A. acceptedB.declined C.designed D.desired50.A. heardB.written C.mentioned D.emailed51. A. closedB.damaged C. caught D.cast52. A. calledB.answered C.sent D.headed53. A. devotedB. introduced .exposed D.recommended54. A. celebrationB.interview C. party D. picnic55.A. rely on B.cheer for C. adapt to D. bond with
