





25.What inspired Hills to enter journalism?A. His love for journalism from childhoodB. His great achievements in the university team.C. His determination to become a well-known sports journalist.D. His passion for sports and hopelessness of entering the university athletics.


2.Why is the man looking for a roommate?A.He is tight on budget.B.The flat is too big for him.C.His brother just moved out.

Mi's team also raised the temperature of the water being split to 7℃, which preventedmost of the hydrogen and oxygen gases from reacting with one another to reform water.The combined changes enabled the scientists to convert 9.2% of the Sun's energy intohydrogen fuel, roughly three times more than previous photocatalytic setups.“This is quite an accomplishment, ”adds Todd Deutsch, a water-splitting expert.“Still,the new setup faces commercial challenges.”It produces a potentially explosive mixture ofhydrogen and oxygen gases, for example. A commercial version would have to separate thosegases, adding to the cost.antIf such devices eventually do make it into the market, engineers would likely need tocreate massive solar water-splitting farms to generate enough hydrogen to produce power.“That day remains distant, ”Mi says.32.Which of the following can best describe the new setup?A.Efficient. B.Costly. C.Heavy. D.Profitable33.WWhat is Todd Deutsch's attitude toward the improved equipment?A. Carefree. B.Positive. C.Objective. D. Doubtful.
