





25.What was Mr. Cooper's purpose in calling Dr. Joel Engel?A.To invite him to have a try. B.To test the reliability of the phone.C.To make a display of his invention.D.To advertise the first mobile phone.


which has n’t beem 46 for many years. No one knew for sure how long tkth(踩)nigQuickly their son dialed 911. The rescuers 47 and immediately took the trouble to cut bushesbushesernesdogand trees so that they could 48 their equipment. They could see the extremely 49yswimming deep down inside after 50 the well.thheaanOnce their equipment was 5, they lowered a rescue lady down into the well to get Yoyo outn passed out, bugive up, ”said Sarah . Yoyo weighs about 70 pounds, but the rescuers worked together and finaly go t hem“The thin air in the well meant the 52 for the rescue and she nearly passed out, but she d i not.5toogin wurgency than if it had been a child stuck in the well, and she truly appreciates their 55D.reasonableThgiveout safely three hours later.Sarah was moved by the 53 of Yoyo’s heroes. They didn’t treat the 54 with any lesstobring Yoyohome.( ) 41. A. strange B.typicalC. arrivedC. impossible D.returned( ) 42. A. waitedB.survivedC.policeD.friends( ) 43. A. rescuersB.familyC. lockedD.covered( ) 44. A. damaged B.connectedC.dangerD.failure( ) 45.A. sign B.barrierC.ignoredD.used( ) 46.A.shared B.removedC. interruptedD.compete d( ) 47.A. responded B.agreedC.transportD.receive( ) 48. A. examine B.protectC. relaxedD.tired( ) 49.A. active B. cautiousC.deepeningD.digging( ) 50.A. finding B.openingD.in trouble( ) 51. A. in placeB.in need C.in sightD.goal( ) 52. A. chance B. message C.difficultyD. bravery( ) 54.A. siteB.direction C.situation( ) 53. A. backgrounds B.thought C.promisesD.atmosphere( ) 55.A. natureB.efforts C.wishesD.luck第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

5.What is the probably relationship between the speakers?A. Waiter and customer. B.Teacher and student.C. Doctor and patient.
