





10.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Their hobbies. B. Their friends. C. Their bicycles.


B“You have cancer.”It was the fourth time in seventeen years I'd heard those words. The doctorswanted to put me on a drug for five years. I knew it would take away the joy out of my life. After myhusband died, I understood that nobody has five years to spare. So I t old the doctors, “No, thanks.”Usually I d on't pay much attention to my bookshelves, but it was about this time that Ihappened to notice how crowded they looked. Most of the books had been worth reading oncebut not more than once. Why were they still hanging around? I found some old plastic bags fromthe kitchen. I pulled the books off the shelves and put them in bags. With each book I bagged, Iseemed to feel a tiny thing causing me worry come off my shoulders. The idea of not makingroom for the m any longer lifted my spirits. I gave them away to the Friends of the Library thenext time I drove by there.My kitchen cupboards(橱柜) were filled with tools I'm awkward to admit In ever used. Igave my kitchen extras to the Salvation Army and in return received ach erful word of blessing.Owning fewer books saved me maybe ten seconds a month on cleaning, and with fewer

19.Why did the speaker think he was lucky?A.He repaired his shelves.B.He was n't badly hurt.C.He finished his DIY work.

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