百师联盟 2023~2024学年高一十月大联考英语

百师联盟 2023~2024学年高一十月大联考英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于百师联盟 2023~2024学年高一十月大联考英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


百师联盟 2023~2024学年高一十月大联考英语试卷答案


百师联盟 2023~2024学年高一十月大联考英语

19.On which day is the YoKohama Noodle Museum closed?A.Tuesday. B.Thursday. C.Sunday.

百师联盟 2023~2024学年高一十月大联考英语

Encouraging their students to 54 various contests is one of the ways Shi and herhusband have tried to 55 their students. In this way, the students have obtained a senseof achievement, and their 56 has driven them to study harder.Shi says education is like a 57 one takes in search of“treasures". She 58 it isimportant for teachers to discover each student's interests and advantages, learn to 59their interests and advantages, and encourage the student to live a 60 life he or she longs for.41.A.friend B.student C.daughter D.husband42.A.online B.personal C.quality D.special43.A.related to B.contrary to C.compared to D.similar to44.A.invited B.stopped C.led D.beaten45.A.failures B.awards C.payment D.attention46.A.fortunately B.plainly C.slightly D.equally47.A.teaching B.saving C.limiting D.sponsoring48.A.comfor table B.dangerous C.familiar D.meaningful49.A.affecting B.sharing C.introducing D.conducting50.A.falls B.returns C.starts D.points51.A.curiosity B.lessons C.analysis D.words52.A.goes back B.shows honorC.sets an exampleD.puts his mind53.A.work B.marks C.doubt D.spirits54.A.escape B.enter C.hold D.question55.A.please B.assess C.follow D.inspire56.A.success B.promise C.faith D.laziness57.A.gift B.test C.picture D.journey58.A.worries B.believes C.warns D.hears59.A.grade B.hide C.appreciate D.rebuild60.A.fantastic B.simple C.quiet D.physical第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

16. How much is the discount ticket?AA.60 yuan a person.B.105 yuan a person.C.130 yuan a person

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