





第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。Jack was active and he had been training for weeks for the upcoming school sportsmeeting.On the day of the competition, Jack was ready to give his best 41. He was running i____ g inthe 40 00-metre race, and he was 42 to win. However, during the race, Jack00-ck suddenly43 aandd fell down. He injured his 44 badly, and he couldn't get upp.When the other 45 saw what had happened, they 4646to run, leaving Jackbehind. But there was one boy named Jim who 47 Jack’s injury, Jim ran over to Jack andbenstopped to help him up.Ar____““Are you okay?”Jim asked Jack,“ArJack shook his head, and tears ____his face. He was disappointed that he couldn'tTack tJaJack sh the race. Jim saw Jack's swollen(肿起的) foot and decided to50____him. He helpedfinisck to the side of the track and asked if he needed anyto the side of the track


The wonderful trip was made complete with a re union with six of the nine tour iss who had come to theirodoor five months earlier. They shared a four-course meal at a restaurant in a traditional Korean houseEveryone felt like the chance meeting was fate(命运) .overlooking the grand Chang deok gung Palace. There were happy tears; but most of all, there was gratitude.“To see everyone in Korea again is such a blessing, Andrea told reporters in Seoul.“We’ ve always hadan appreciation and interest in Korea. They ended up in the right place at the right time. Now we have people.we can call friends for a lifetime."24. What does the author intend to tell us in paragraph 1?A. The weather conditions in Buffalo, New York.B. South Korean tourists’ desire to visit New York.C. An incident before the Campagna s made their plan.D. A promise made by Alexander and Andrea Campagna.

4.What does the man mean 3A.Anna may not have time.B.Anna is at her brother's houseC.Anna should invite him to dinner.
