





46. A. managing B. pretending C.planning D. refusing47. A appetite B. performance C.temper D. reputationTA. misunderstandingB. sacrifice C. disapproval D. content49.. A. reduce B. conti mue C. track D. delay50. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C.Moreover D.Howeversi. A: challenge B. click C. thrill D. switch52.Afather B. brother C. mother D.teachers 3. A. sighed B. cried C. trembled D. doubted4. A. operation B. memory C.fear Daddiction55A. warned B3. tang ht C. promised Dpersuaded


1.What is the woman's wish?A.That the man drives carefully. B. That the man isnt worried.C.That the man wont buy the motore ycle.

23. What is the similarity between Christmas with the First Ladies and Italy's holiday traditions?oA. They have the same entrance feeB.They are about to start on the same day.C.They both will give the participants a secret gift.D.They both have something to do with Christmas.on buauo vadTAannita loi ra gthqolavsli vodT aldog om bavio yadT
