





27.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. Small Steps, Big Benefits . Diet Transforms Life QualityD. Regular Workout, Mental Well-being D.Running Improves Relationships


6. What does the woman think of the mountain village?A. It is n’t convenient B. It’s noisy. C.It's attractive.

Micro blading is frequently sought out by cancer survivors who 28 hair loss while receiving treatment.“Sometimes it comes back, for certain people, ”she explained.“But a lot of times it doesn't come back the waythat they hope. Its 29 that micro blading can help restore that."Storie believes that everyone is beautifulwith or without hair, but hair rejuvenation (复壮) can help boost people’s 30One of the first customers who received a free micro blading treatment from Storie was Gretchen Baldwin.Gretchen had 12 cycles of chemotherapy and 31 all of her hair. So when a friend told her about Storiesservices, she jumped at the 32 to feel more like herself again. She admitted she was nervous to see theresult at first, but once she did she was overjoyed!“I was very 33 not only for the way it made me look,but also for not having to worry about 34 it, said Gretchen.Reactions like Gretchen's are what fuel Storie to keep going!“Their reactions to that are so moving, ”shesaid.“Its so 35, and that is so worth it to me, and I just have to keep going with it.21. A. performances B. talents C. reputations D.works22. A. services B.experiments C.examinations D. operations23. A. inspiredB.broke C. touched D.hurt24. A. significantlyB. accidentally C. relatively D.cautiously25. A. assistB. deny C.accept D.charge26. A. regulationB. convention C. schedule D.criterion27. A. in contrast toB. instead of C. in return for D.aside from28. A. acknowledgedB.challenged C.experienced D.tried29. A. awesomeB.urgent C.ridiculous D.primitive30. A. curiosityB.beauty C.delicacy D. confidence31. A. recoveredB.lost C. released D. abandoned
