





the 7, the only pp was Swap cha—which he delctd a day aher 45 it out.“Iwu ul in't say thery waa ever time where: I thought.Iwa alout to 4 ”he said.“As iwet on, it was more of 50 thing.________He also had i friends in 51 rim up to date on the lalst 52 or trends(趋势) , “I go i t________ ____53 all the unnessary drama that was on there, ”Siver t added.Lorn said she n ver had to 4 for any sneakily downloaded appa.“I Je's so 55 .I: wasdefinitely mure for proving point, ”she said. It i so me ant h had more lie to fucus on his grades andsports iris teac.41.A.e eve p tud B.met C.completed D.faced42.A.prize B.apple: C.cycle D.prediction13.A.ron test B.challe uge C.process D.cur ment44.A.showed off B.pt off C.took uf D.stayed off45, A.dis it til ar B.cnplex C.inspiring D.diff icu it.6.A.inst cad B.any wy C.somehow D.ny moe47.A.promise B.campaign C.bet D.choi cc:48.A.trying B.figuring C.picking D.turning49.A.cha mg B.brca k C.prn test D.end50.A.fun B.proud C.fiu an cial D.nental51.A.urge B.force C.keep D.ca usc:52.A.in fur mation B.fca i ures C.versio:is D.technology53.A.a band nn B.a vcid C.reo ognize D.ignore54.A.pay B.long C.wai i D.check55.A.or iu petitive B.deen sive: C.acid itive: D.creative:第二节 (共lū小题;每小题1.5分.满分15分)


26. What is the standard for the men's400m hurdles in the Paris Olympics?A.48. 62 seconds . B.48.70 seconds . c. 48. 78 seconds . D.48. 86 seconds.27. Which27.which of the following words best describe Xie?A.Independent and brave.B. Considerate and modest.c. Confident and outgoing.D.Optimistic and determined.

( ) 27.It takes much time to get to school by car than by bicycle.____A.little B.less C.few D.fewer

上一篇:2023年11月高二A佳教育 湖湘教育三新探索协作体 期中联考英语