





23. Which will attract one who wants to go on a night tour on Christmas Eve?A.(Christmas markets. B. Basilica light show.C. Christmas light tram. D. River Danube Cruise.


听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题, 段对话仅读一 ,1. What will the woman probably do?A. Go to a shop. B. Pick some flowers.C. Water the garden.2. How does the woman tell A iAmy from Mary?A. By the look. B. By the clotheses. . By the height.3. How does the man feel abouut Prof. Brown’s lecture?A. It’s just so-so.0. B. It’s a bit boring. . It’s quite helpful.4. What do the speakers probably do?A. Factory workers. Doe tors Machine operators5. Why did the woman come to Monica’s houseA. To return something.B. To borrow a book.C. To extend an invitation.

However, like many places, the area is enjoying a revival (复苏) and now home to some families.roman“To put it in romantic terms, there is a love story between me and the ancient building, ”Cag noli saidWeera s he showed visitors round the castle of Rocca Calas cio. The castle, with foundations dating backabout 1, 000 years, is one of the highest in Europe. It was built as a tower in a line of connectedstructures to control and protect the land that stretched inland from the Adriatic SeaRocCag noli, now 39, first saw Rocca Calas cio when he was 16. He was on a road trip to find himself."I arrived here as the morning sun lit up the castle. I was blinded by the light and since that daysomething inside me has changed, ”he said.“I thought it was the most beautiful place. I felt specialugh tenergies, deciding to help its rebirth.”He's now the castle's caretaker and head of a cooperative(合作社)whose members guide visitors.Besides temporary visitors, the complete revival has much to do with permanent residents.People of the previous generations didnt appreciate the land they lived on, ”Valeria Be fan i, a residentin the village, said.“Today's teenagers, like my children, are proud of their land and are happy if theycan stay here.”24. What inspired Cag noli to help revive Rocca Calas cio?A.His trip to find himself.B.The historical importance of the castle.C.His love for ancient buildings.D. The impressive scene of the village.
