





33.What does the author intend to do in paragraph 5?A.Give an example. B.Tell the difference.C.Do an experiment. D.Explain a term.


“Why Florida?”I wanted to know.“We are so busy every day with our work. Why not someplace 42 ?”“Because, ” he said, “Florida is famous for golf. It's just something I 43 to do. ”44 , I did understand. Just a week or so before, I 45 a diary of mine from my teenage years. Whatreally got me about it was the list I'd 46 on the very first page Things I'm Going To Do. But until now Ihaven't done a third of them!So when Jack talked about playing in 47, it got me thinking. There were a lot of things I wanted to48. They were all the same things as I'd decided to do 49I was sixteen. But always because of somereasons, my plans 50 to be carried out.In order to make our life without 51, It old Jack, “Now let's draw up all our life lists and have them52 one by one together.”That was how our journey to Florida 53.After many years, our plans were all finished. 54 I've learned that the secret is to take life 55. Ifyou're in too much of a hurry, you need to stop, or you will fly past all the things that are the most fun.41.A.football B.golf C.basketball D.volleyball42.A.farther B.closer C.larger D.warmer43.A.dream B.hurry C.refuse D.afford44.A.In fact B.For example C.At once D.In case45.A.lent B.bought C.missed D.found46.A.called B.practised C.made D.explained47.A.Georgia B.Hawaii C.owa D.Florida48.A.support B.learn C.finish D.prepare

BPeople celebrate their birthdays every year. But do you know that flowers also have a birthday?Flower-Worshipping is the birthday of flowers and the goddesses (女神) of flowers. It started in theing Dynasty. People celebrate it in the second lunar month. The dates are different in different placesross China. But it is usually in March or April.There are 12 goddesses of flowers. Each is in charge of a month of the year. On the day of theist ival, people often offer incense (香) and spirit to the flower goddesses. They wish for good weathernda harvest for the year.People usually have fun outdoors for Flower-Worshiping Festival. Families go to the country su de andve a picnic near flowers. Some may also plant some flowers.The Flower-Worshipping Festival is also a festival for girls. Girls get together and make friends.hey wear flowers in their hair. They put red ribbons (丝带) on trees. They also make desserts and riceakes with flowers.The festival is like a big birthday party for flowers. Do you want to join in it?( ) 44.People offer to the flower goddesses on the day of the festival.____A.money and gifts B.incense and spiritC.food and drinks D.clothes and pets( ) 45.What do families usually do for Flower-Worshipping Festival?A.Visit friends and relatives.
