





35. What is Barbara Cohen's attitude ttude towards the n isssion?AUnclear. B.Disapproving.C. Positive. 0 D.Cautious.


阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。At age sixty-one, “Daddy”Bruce Randolph opened Daddy Bruce's Barbecue Restaurant inthe“Five Points”area, a por section of Denver. He was a kind and 411C man, who helpednumerous people not just his customers, but the poor and the4 BEvery Thanksgiving, Bruce and his son would 443Aengage thge t he mselem selves in cooking forthe thousands of homeless. He wanted them to have a great and free 444____Bon this specialday. About a week before, Bruce began 45Aall the food. In the early years of his project,he paid for everything out-of-pocket. But as tintime went by, the 46 0skyrocketed as thecrowds grew. That's when Bruce’s 447 stepped in to help. They448B ons of turkeys,

25. Why did the author feel unsettled in his early working life?A.He changed jobs too often.B.He was not well-paid.C.He found his jobs to be boring.D.He felt inferior to others.
