





35.What is the main idea of the text?A.Chicks are bred dfficultly in Antaretica.B. Emperor penguins fail to breed their chicks.c. Sea ice loss a fects emperor penguins'survival.D.Climate change a fets sea ice loss in Antarctica.


35.What is the best title for the text?A.The She nz how XV mission ends with a safe returnB.The three great astronauts of She nz ho X MC.The She nz how XM crew complete first spacewalkD.An unforgettable experience in the Tian gong space station

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。On a bright sunny day, I started my day off by volunteering at the L. A. Food Bank.As 1 8 the food bank, people were waiting in line s to 9 with coordinators(协调员) . Then everybody volunteering began heading quickly to their given 10 after checkingin. Coordinators 11 me tore package donated food items from local food drives after beingsorted. When I 12 the items, each bag had to 13 the correct amount.As a team, we effectively worked similarly to a 14 assembly(装配) line as the itemscontinuously moved down the 15 to volunteers . We 16 placed the food items intobags before the table got overcrowded. My task required a lot of 17 when trying to workswiftly with my hands while ensuring that items placed in bags were correctly 18 . Here Ihad a chance to communicate with a variety of people while improving my 19 skills. Weworked together as a team to 20 that our task was going effectively.By helping pack food items, I was able to make a significant impact on my community byhelping people fight 21 and giving them hope for a better life. After this experience, I feela sense of 22 within me which does not usually happen.8.A.established B.examined C.entered D.equipped9.A.check in B.give up C.show off D.move out10.A.aid B.duties C.awards D.test
