





In 2017, he got a call from a teacher. Her eighth graders showed 43 to the people living on thestreets. The kids wanted to help, so she asked if Marty could organize something Weeks later, they tookstudents on their first Hope Walk. Over a dozen blocks, the y 44 sandwiches and bottles of water.The Hope Walks took place four or five times a year as a(n) 45 service project for seventh and eighthgraders. But when a disaster hit and shelters closed, Marty knew that people's need would be even46. They did Hope Walks three times a week despite the 47Three days a week, Marty 48 40 bag lunches. With the same Hope Walks route each time,49 k new many of the people they see. In spring 2020, students from another school joined in. Theirschool held a fundraiser to buy supplies for the lunches, and local businesses have 50 as well.Marty loved seeing the students do that at a n early age. On a Hope Walk in 2019, they gave out551. A student named Janelle gave one to a man who was 52. At the dinner, the man pulled outthe paper Janelle had given him.“I was invited, ”he said 53. That had a big impact on Marty.“I haverealized we are building community through food, ”he said. The food is a(n) 54 to stop and say helloand 55 each other.41. A. counted B.expected C.organized D. attended42.A. hours B. months C. weeks D. decades43. A. patience B.appreciation C.sympathy D. curiosity44. A. lived on B.handed out C. put aside D. took away45. A. global B. previous C.official D. regular46. A. greater B. realer C.gentler D.warmer47. A. loss B.risk C.pain D.doubt48. A. chose B.purchased C.sold D.prepared49. A. receivers B. pedestrians C.participants D.winners50. A. invested B. donated C. raised D. congratulated51. A. bags B.bottles C. sandwiches D. invitations52. A. homeless B.tireless C. hopeless D. careless53. A. shyly B.proudly C. confidentlyD.sorrowfully


30.What can be inferred from the study?A.Infection is of benefit to a person's memory.B.Volunteers remember potentially dangerous things better.C.Imagining danger can be applied frequently to improve memory.D.Our brain can not handle unpleasant feelings or remember them clearly.

D. To introduce the topic of aging and loneliness.25. What makes elderly people without illness go to see their family doctors CA. Desire to have the consultation.B.Unclear medical issues.C. Strong feeling of loneliness. D. Questions to ask doctors.
