





30.What might be the result of daydreaming under guidance?A.More creative.B.More emotional. C.More confident.D.More generous.


hou and them they will leve t is lo us to run to you rescue____e wa . The tule dissppeared just a lew mnute s later. Since then, theeve spring and we lve gotten more 51 with them.sappmg turties ha 50 a esl hum uvn learned that snapping turtles egg s end up male os female depending onthe temperature. A low and hgh 52. they pro uce females. At intermediate(中等的)____em per tues, they make males Smc e snapping tu ries dom’t have 53 to measure thetempera u act iy, they usually sek out soft and sandy 54 underneath trees or nearhouses. Such 55 tend to proride the sight temperatures to produce a mix of males andferal es, which is very important to keep the balance of sexes.4L. A.allowed B. surprised C. encouraged D. delighted. A. atingB. findingC. countingD. layingA occasionallyB. usuallyC. shortlyD. frequently. A. clean upB. bite ollC. climb downD. adapt to45. A. fightB. playC. leaveD.swim46. A excited B. in armless C.embarrassed D. helpless?. Au comeB. escapeC. drinkD. call48. A. important B. sad C. unnecessary D.typical49. A. ght B.rude C. stubborn D.sorryy50. A. diedB. ze turnedCdisappearedD.slept51. A. unfriendly B. content C. impatient D. comfor table52. A. platforms B.shopsC. temperatures D.speeds53. A. rightsB. los C.brains D. instruments54. A. bed B.soil C.food D.blanket55. A. measures B. methods C.spots D.owners

17.What does the woman advise the man to do?A.Speak English all the time.B.Meet foreign teachers.C.Go to English Corner.
