





72. What can we know from the text?A. Sisters are often the same.C. We cant always listen to our mum.B. Smiling can help us make friendsDD. It’s not good to have many friends.


20.What is the speaker's advice?A.Not waiting until tomorrow to do something.B.Being more careful when making a plan.C.Not following someone else's ide as.

第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)In 2020, Nancy Ballard, a 60-year-old retired entrepreneur, went for a routine checkup at herdoctor's office that turned into something extraordinary. In fact, she was carrying a painting of aplant s he'd done when she arrived there.“It would be great if we had 41 like that for ourchemotherapy rooms (化疗室) , ” the nurse said. Ballard asked to see one.____She was shocked by 42 she found.The walls were grey and bare, and the paint was____chipping.“43 , the patients here have nothing to look at while taking chemo drips, ” she said,“I couldn't imagine how anyone could even get healthy in such 44 rooms like that.” She madeit her mission to 45 the place.____She started bye-mailing 20 local interior 46 . She wrote, “You don't know me. But my____heart 47 after seeing these rooms.”She then asked whether they would 48 their____time and money to transform just one of chemotherapy rooms each.____Six of them leapt into 49 actionandeach designer choseatheme:The dragonfly room,____for example, 50 b right artworks and dragonfly wall ornaments. Most rooms got new____51 , lights, artworks, and furniture. When the transformation was done 52 , Dr.Hufford____________was delighted.“All the patients feel 53 by it, ”he said.He even noted that his own tone of____voice was 54 in the rooms and that he was better able to connect with his patients.Ballard
