





15. What is the purpose of the program?A.To give poor people jobs.B.To raise money for schools.C.To help old people and kids.


5.What's wrong with the man?A.He is n't feeling well.B.He thinks too much.C.He is caught in bad weather.

I sought in pi ration from others who had experience 51 in animal protection. Their52 advice guided me through the most difficult decisions. Slowly but surely, acompassionate team began to 53 , consisting of individuals who shared my determined lovefor animals. Vishal Hilo riya, our co-founder, emerged as a pillar(支柱) of 54 , alongwith a host of others who offered financial aid and volunteered 55 for our cause. Theirdedication transformed our dreams into 56.Each time we rescue a sick or injured animal, there is a celebration in our hearts. Whenyou save a life, your soul feels so 57. I wish for a time when every human being extendsempathy(共情) and 58 to all living beings. I call for each person to deepen their 59____to animals, each other, and every living thing. In doing so, we will 60 and strengthen____our loving experience on this planet.41.A.imagined B.believed C.witnessed D.considered42.A.ached B.sank C.beat D.moved43.A. apparent B.various C.ridiculous D.limited44. A. model B.difference C.decision D.list45. A. describe B.design C.establish D.find46.A. in need B.at hand C.within reach D.on end
