





10.What sees rare to Westerners about hutong s?A.Keeping traditional ha hits.B.People often Jo sing their way.C.Different generations living together


B.think in the same way as their parents doC.be very strict with themselvesD.do things without thinking carefully ahead

Fan grew up in Shanghai. While studying at Peking University, she found her 31 are hae ology(考古学) . This love led her to Dunhuang. After graduation, she was32there. The 33 relics(遗迹) amazed Fan. She decided to 34 them as well1尽所能d. Life inDu huang was hard.The tables, chairs and beds were all made 35 mud(泥土) .The r of was made ofpaper. But 36 could kill Fan’s love for that place.Over the past 60 years, Fan has walked through the Mogao Caves(莫高窟) many times. She has 377studied every painting and sculpture(雕像) . Fan planned and carried out(开展) the largest pre ett on 38in the history of the Mogao Caves. She 39 the idea of building a " digital(数字的) Dun han And she hasalso helped to 40 many successful exhibitionss of local arts. " During the 41 . I think abo Dunhuang.展览At night, I dream about it. As long as Im alive, 42 to protect it. "she once said.C29. A. but B.afterC. until D.when适着的Fan hopes that more young people will be443 in Dunhuang. She hopes its relics ll always beare fully protected. -6B.300.A. proud B.hard C. helpfulD. convenient31. A. love B.habit C.ability D. form32.A. packed B.avoided C.sent D.carried333. A. public B.ancient C. mobile D.general34.A. build B.paint C. produceD. protect35.A.of B.in C.at D.by
