三重教育 2023-2024学年第一学期高一期中学业诊断英语

三重教育 2023-2024学年第一学期高一期中学业诊断英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于三重教育 2023-2024学年第一学期高一期中学业诊断英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


三重教育 2023-2024学年第一学期高一期中学业诊断英语试卷答案


三重教育 2023-2024学年第一学期高一期中学业诊断英语

15.What will the woman do this Thursday?A.Go to the beach. B.Buy some local food.C.Watch a soccer game.

三重教育 2023-2024学年第一学期高一期中学业诊断英语

34.What is implied from Matthew Wook Chang'swords?A.Bacteria have positive effects on people's health.B.Bacteria are to have a wide range of applications.C.A variety of infections is closely related to bacteria.D.The digestive system will function better without bacteria.

A. An editor.回复 B.A dancer. C. A nurse.3. How will the manreply to George?A.By e-mailing him.B.By writing a letter to him.C. By leaving him a mess4.What had the woman planned to do last night?
