





本题你将听到一段独白,读两遍。请根据独白内容,用所听到的单词或短语完成下列各题。(每空不超过三个单词。)16.Li Ming is telling about his changes and his life in ____.17.Li Ming used to be ____, but now he is outgoing.18.Now Li Ming exercises at least ____times a week.19.Li Ming likes watching sports programs, especially ____matches.20.On weekends, Li Ming usually volunteers. to in their community.____


48 buying it. He said he'd had some terrible interactions with people asking him to 49 it to them.to buy it. The seller, Richard, said that he only wanted me to pay $3500 as we are the right peopleI’m a single parent of an 11-year-old child and I think he was very taken by my lovely and lively girl and hera ken by my lovely and live50 of how we had had an accident and the car just doesn’t feel 51150II paid the money and the next day he was 52 enough to drive it over. Then he told me that he’d paid3 months registration(登记) , 53 the tank and bought me a new key! They cost almost $300. HowThey cost mostamazing! We have been 54feeling so safe and happy . He has made such a 55 to our lives!41. A. chance B. fortune C. accidentD. seatB. savingsC. activities42. A. feelingsD. maps

2.What advice does the man give the wor an?A.Telling her son not to worry.B.Having confidence in her son.C.Asking the teacher for extra help.
