





31.What do we know about Shantanu Sta rick?A.His job is only traveling around the world.B.He is too poor to afford the travels.C.He has a skill to travel without paying much money.D.He doesn'the ar of other languages except English.


I have the bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book to see how it ends while I'm s til inthe middle of it This habit 4L people around me. Of en my 2 wouldn’t be confined(局限) just to the books I read but also to what others were as well. Finally, one day mydaughter told me with a litle 44 please just read a book one page at a time likeeveryone else!"

阅读下面短文,在空白处填人I个适当的单词或括号内单词的止确形式。One of the most important parts of a college application for American high schoolstudents is their list of extra-curricular activities".A student might be a member of a sportsteam or spend time taking part 56 a school's theatre programme. American high schoolstudents usually finish 57(they) colege application in January. They also visittest like theuniversities and take tests like the SAT. But this year is different. Because of COVID-1they take video campus tours. Universities that used to talk to possible students 58(personal) do so by video call, instead. Along with 59(write) applications, universitiesask students to send a video 60(introduce) . Some schools ask students to write abouthow the pandemic(流行病) has changed their lives.One student 61 life has been different is 18-year-old Bekele. She says she wants to bean engineer and is eager 62 (go) to a university that offers good science classes. Attendingschool online 63 (be) hard for her over the last 10 months, especially in science 64maths classes that require a lot of help from teachers. She also misses the support of adults ather school who can help with college application. She is really worried about 65(complete) her application.
