





第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每趣所给的A.C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空自处的最佳选项,I was the cold winter months in the rural town Manton Seo tt d eide d that thecommunity needed a n ice rink(溜冰场) to get people out in the cold.In order to make his dream a(41 , Scott ordered materials online to e reate thewalls for a rink and got 12 trucks to get enough water to fill the place.s wen door to door o 42 people to come see his Soon Sr s haky rarink became t d-in Manton. Soon enough, the children were skating and shootingMan to45 was burning, and hot chocolate was steaming(水汽) in cups.The rink was 46 to skaters at any time. Each Saturday from 4 pm until 8 p m..dozens of children and their parents 47 together at the ice rink for skate parties. Lightstwinkled over the ice as the sun set carly in the evening. The cel d air had a 48of hot dogsand burning firewood. Parents got together around bolding warm hot cocoa, feeling relaxedthat their children hadd49 a purose again It offered a place for people to see each otherin a 50dist unced(有距离的) way.When the community heard how much mcney Seott ased to make this pre jeet, everyone551about S1,300D, and letters sent to Scott’sL. For example, a n o a line fundraiser 52 l l of thome filled with cash produced an additional S 1. 500. It 53 for all of the costs with$$6 0 ^ { \circ }$$24149A


9.What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Go to visit a famous person.B. Readout Harry Potter loudly.C. Listen to Harry Potter on a website.10.What is Daniel Radcliffe?A.An actOT, B. A writer. C.A director.

26. Which of the following can best describe Karthik?A.Creative and humorous.B. Generous and cool-headed.G.Determined an inspirational.D. Know edge able and demanding
