





How can you study well in this special environment? Please read the following 33 .You need to work hard and be self-disciplined(自律的) . Listen to your teachers andtake notes 34 in class. Good learning habits always help a lot. If you have problems,try to 35 them by yourself at first. If you still can't solve them, you should ask your36 for help. After all, they are good at teaching and always ready to help you. You canalso collect mistakes in time and 37 them for several times until you can solve the similarproblems next time.Today's exams are set to test students' understanding and practical application(实际应用)of 38, so re ember to learn skills through practicing . Don't forget to 39 the keypoints with your pen and try to write down your understanding about this kind of problems.Students need to be more careful and hard-working in 40. Chances are only for theprepared mind.31.A. time B.sleep C.homework D.experience32.A.happy B.glad C.excited D.worried33.A.mapB.advice C.stamp D.novel34.A.loudly B.luckily C.carefully D.terribly35.A.deal with B.care about C.give up D.handout36.A.teachers B.children C.cousins D.doctors37.A.hide B.publish C.review D.forget38.A.introductionB.knowledge C.background D.protection39.A.markB.borrow C.repair D.send40.A.cleaningB.playing C.fishing D.studying


2.请按如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。____It was then that I noticed for the very first time that the boy could not see: he was blind. ________________For all of those times I myself had been blind towards the world around me. ________

6.Where is the man now?A.In a clothes shop. B.In the lab. C.In the woman's office.24180B

上一篇:【精品】衡中同卷 2023-2024学年度上学期高三年级期中考试思想政治