





After 13 rounds of 47, my health returned, Before getting sick, I loved organizingactivities for some free libraries, where people could 48 books to those in need. Now thatI recovered, I would do it again. That was how the book drive 49 .I encouraged mycoworkers to bring me children's books. They responded so 50 . My office was crowded____with books soon.I knew Kathy's s on was a(n) 51 of the Harry Potter series. Therefore, after findinga copy, I gave it to Kathy's s on. When he open it, his eyes were full of excitement. He toldme, “You won't 52 it! This is exactly the book my mother bought me! There are thewords written by her:‘From Kathy, Happy Birthday!””He added that he 53 it. But ithad been lost due to several times of moving house, which was really a(n) 54 Butsomehow, here it was. Out of hundreds of books from countless families, this long-losttreasure had made it back into the 55 hands.41.A.success B.benefit C.comfort D.freedom42.A.confident B.interested C.surprised D.upset43.A.heard B.spoke C.for gave D.found44.A.healthier B.richer C.closer D.busier45.A.helped B.called C.missed D.met46.A.money B.chance C.possibility D.expectation47.A.competition B.treatment DC.imagination D.research48.A.donate B.sell C.read D.write49.A.came about B.put out C.broke up D.took apart50.A.frankly B.humorously C.smartly D.positively51. A.artist B.expert C.fan D.actor52.A.believe B.manage C.understand D.make53.A.edited B.valued C.improved D.discussed54.A.test B.guard C.honour D.pity55.A.right B.skillful C.shaking D.similar第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


19.What happened to Steve in 1989?A.He started a magazine.B.He won the Mr.America title.C.He began to pursue acting career.

35. Which can be a suitable title for the text?A. What Has A I Brought About?B. What Do We Expect of GPTC. Should We Get Rid of Chat bots? D.Can A I Help Behavioral Research?阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,When Caleb was eight, he adopted his first rabbit Snickers. They were inseparable But Sri ckers died less than ayear later, and Caleb was 4. He went online looking for another rabbit and was 42 to see hundreds available.abandoned after Easter. He made a presentation to his parents about 43 more rabbits. It really 44 me that peoplecouldn't commit to a rabbit's 10-year life span(寿命) , he said. “So I 45as many as I could."There was n't room a t hisfamily's house. 46 a farm family nearby let Caleb keep his rabbits in their barm(谷仓) .By the time he was 14, Caleb knew he wanted his rabbits to not only live out their lives in a 47 place but also helothers. One day, he discovered a deserted island on the Missisippi and 48 the owner to allow him to raise his rabbitsthere for a few months. It was the perfect 49 to train these rabbits-quiet and safe After securing an investor to help himbuy the 50 online, Caleb needed to 51 money for the rabbits care plus other costs. So Caleb started the Peace bunnyFoundation to 52 donations and hosted educational activities.Now Caleb's rabbits are 53 for short stays by families with children who have mental health challenges, He alsvisits senior centers with his rabbits to stop the elderly feeling 54"It takes a lot e fort, said Caleb, who still carbelieve he's guardian to hundreds of rabbits. But rabbits bring s o much 55 into the lives of others-and into mine as w
