





35.Which can serve as the best title for the news report?A.French first lady visits giant panda godson'B.French first lady looks after giant panda‘godson'C.French first lady has pity on giant panda‘godsonD.French first lady known as Yuan Meng's“godmother”


第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项Emily Bhatnagar has always found comfort reading. When she's struggling with anxiety anddepression, she turns to 41 . So when she 42 saw a text message on her father's phoneinforming relatives he had Stage 4 thyroid(甲状腺) cancer, she hid her 43 with the one thingshe’s always found comfort in. But this time, she went a little further.ent a ____At the age of 17, Emily 44 a neighborhood book activity. She decided she'd 45thebooks to children who were also facing health scares. “I thought to myself, I’m only a(n) 46What can I do? I am not a doctor. I cant save lives, but I can hopefully make them a little bit47 , ”says thea ys the een I was drowning in 48 when my dad was diagnosed. Thinking of theselittlelittle children 49 the same thig as my dad was 50s w as s, 2021. Her original goal was to 51 books for children undergoing cance________e but shea 2it to all patients under 18. She called her effort For Love and But erc(金风花) , and launched it with a 53 for book donations on neighborhood app Nextdoor.____“Buttercup flowers represent childlike innocence and fun that a lot of these kids don’t get toexperience . It's what I hope they 54 when thewhen they open my books, ”she says.

20.How will the program assess the participants?A.By organizing a test at the end of the program.B.By recording their performance in a report.C.By grading their ability to solve tough problems
