





20.Which book is co-authored by Eric and Bill Martin Jr?A.1, 2, 3 to the ZooB.The Very Hungry CaterpillarC.Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?


C. knowsA) 30. A. to know B. knowing第二 节:阅读下面 文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连完整。Hello, my friends. I’m a student iHell, my fiends. I m a sha dest in the PE P Mid di Se hool. There is a Lm t anclassroom. I’s on the deak. There are many things in it. This is a 32. What color is it? Its33 Joh found the bag this morning. Its To en’s Because his name is on it and he likes brown. Oh,I find my H key s Ome is to the class om, and she other (另一个) i tu my hou in. 5 themin the playground. And what’s this? It’s an ID card. I’s Alan’s. His 6is 013567. That notebook isJack’s becaue his 37 is on it. And the baseball is 38, too. We can alao 39 a pencil boxhere. It’s very nien. There are three pens and one40 in it. Whose is it? I d on’t know.C) 31. A. dog’s B. uncle’s C. parents D. teachersC. bag( )32. A. box B. ear d____D. baseballD. yellowB) 33. A. blue B. be own C. redD.fiveA 34. A. twoB. three C. four35. A. askedC. lost D. said(B. met) 36. A. numberC. notebook D. e-mail(B. photo) 37. A. dictionaryC. roomD. colorPB. naeB. he tsC. his D. mine( ) 38. A. yoursC. help( P) 39. A. make B. giveD. seeAC. jacket( ) 40. A. ruler B. quiltD. dog

63. the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.____A.The president will attend B.The president to attendC.The president attended D.The president's attending

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