





8.Why does the woman call Dr.Brown's Office?A.To keep an appointment.B.To delay an appointment.C.To cancel an appointment.


71. What does the writer want us to do?A.Read Three Body. B.Learn something about the movie.C.Visit the center. D.Bo actors in the center.

determining the number of people and their actions.40 It can register only group sizes and activities for which it has been trained, and it requires ahigh-resolution (清晰度) camera; a standard digital camera creates too much background noise, and smartphonecamera results are even worse.A. The technology is thought advanced.B.These can't be detected by the human eye.C.Brightly colored clothing can even cast a dull, reflected light.D.It also can monitor someone who avoids a camera's line of sight.E.Next, researchers recorded blank walls with people in various scenarios.F. The system is considered a unique and wonderful discovery by camera specialists.G. Although this system can function in any room, it performs poorly in dim lighting.

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