





But how do we deal with change? There's Chris, who once told me that the answer can be expressedin four words, “Go 46 the flow.”“It is like surfing, ” Chris explained. “You can't organize the ocean . 47 just happen. You ridethe m 48 they take you, and then you go back out there and catch the next one. Sure, you're alwayshoping for the perfect wave. But 49 you just take them the way they come.”That doesn’t 50 that you don't keep trying to make all your dreams come true. It just means thatwhen things 51 that aren't exactly in your plan, you work around them and then you move on. Ofcourse, some barriers(阻碍) along the 52 of life are easier to take than others. A rained-out picnic, forexample, is 53to deal with than the sudden death of a love d one. But the principle is the same.We’re going to 54 Mark. But rather than on the sadness of our 55 we'll focus on ourhopes for a brighter future.41.A.difficult B.confident C.silly D.lucky42.A.terrible B.excellent C.special D.exact43.A.actually B.sincerely C.nearly D.hardly44.A.humorous B.silent C.reliable D.active45.A.welcome B.attack C.destroy D.change46.A.with B.below C.against D.before47.A.Shakes B.Waves C.Accidents D.Disasters48.A.what B.why C.whether D.where49.A.formally B.extremely C.mostly D.lately50.A.promise B.seem C.explain D.mean


35.What can people do to protect earthworms according to Fonte?A.They can avoid frequent farming.B.They can make strict regulations.C.They can use tractors to turn over soil.D.They can invite agricultural experts.

34. What is the text mainly about?A. The posture of confidence. B.Cuddy's research on behavior.C. The surprising power of body language.D. The re sc arch about dec is i or making.
