





阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWorld's Greatest PlacesWant to see the world? Each year, TIME magazine makes a list of the World's Greatest Places.TIME for Kids picks its favorites. Some places are a window on the past. Others look out on thefuture.Together, they represent the range of beauty and culture on our planet, from wildlife and othernatural wonders to incredible human-made structures. Get ready for an adventure!高三英语 第2页(共8页)


On a recent morning, Cesar, Trey von, Antwi on, Messiah, Tyson and Alto were on their way toschool when they heard 41from a crashed car. A woman, believed to be in her 50s, collided(碰撞)with another vehicle. The42made both her passenger's and driver's side doors shut.t.Together, the young men worked to open the passenger door in a(n) 433 to save the womantrapped in the car. But the y soon 44 they would also have to open the driver's door in order totrraapp in ththe woman from her badly damaged car.4545.We're pretty big people. We’re46We play football, so we lift weights a lot. We used allour muscles, but the door was justdoor was just 47 bent and broke, said Trey von Adaams.As the players helped the woman out from her crashed car, Trey von 48 the driver of the othervehicle to ensure his safety as well.Meanwhile, inside the school, math tea her Luis Goya called 911 when he 49 the crash. MrGoya later 50the craswith CNN, “We are ver y 51 of them. This is the kind of news that we 52.That is more positive."After the group of guys 53 in freeing the woman trapped in her car, they received significant5454for their heroic act. But Trey von said, “We’ve been 55 in a lot of different ways. Wep pre ciate it, but I feel we just did the right thing.”P1. A. songsB.remarks C.complaints D.criesB42..A. vehicleB.impact C.police D. woman4.messB.hour C.effort D.case3A.4.A.realized B. imaginedC.admitted D.expected38A. observe B.free C.adaptD.stoD6.A. abnormal B.careful C.strongD.fashionableB7.A. fortunately B.potentially C.constantly D.extremely48.A.A. sought for B.made fun of C.checked on D.kept in touch with9. A. heard B.performedC.reportedC.reportrtedD.feltB(500. A. worked B.shared C.agreedD.shortD.argued51. A. confident B.ashamed C.proudD.avoidA. need B.ignore C.designD.succeeded

11.Why does the woman make the call?A.To place an order.B.To file a complaint.C.To get some after-sales service.
