





8.How much of the greenhouse gas comes from vehicles in America?HowA.About one-third. B.About a half. C. About two-thirds.


( ) 10.When can you find Jim in Sports Club?A.On Mondays. B.On Saturdays. C.On Sundays.

Dominik, a 34-year-old Polish entrepreneur, attributes the realization of his dreams to the Beltand Road Initiative. He jokingly 41 that President Xi J in ping arranged his job in China, where____he 42 his international logistics(物流) company, Hao Duo Huo, in Wuhan, Hubei province.br Dominik’s 43 with China began when he chose to study international 44 at Central________China Normal University in 2009. After completing his undergraduate studies, he took a business45 to Shenzhen, where he first encountered the field of logistics.“Poland is an important transitcountry for the China-Europe Railway Express, and 46 the Belt and Road Initiative, Poland'slogistics has been 47 , ”said Dominik a s he mentioned the reasons behind his strong desire to____star t his own business.Carrying this 48 forward, Dominik re tured to his alma mater(母校) in 2015 to 49________master’s degree.In April 2021, he 50 founded Hao Duo Huo in Wuhan, taking advantage ofegree. in ____he city's strategic location as a starting point for the China-Europe Railway Express and its 51o high-quality talent from local universities.For Dominik, working in the logistics industry is something that brings him a great sense ofaccomplishment. The logistics industry is deeply 52 . Looking ahead, Dominik is 53 in his____future plans With his trading company established, he envisions creating an online 54 similaro Amazon enabling him to control the entire supply chain from purchase to delivery, facilitatingthe 55 distribution of Chinese-made products.C 41. A. arguesB. promises C. claims D.agreesB. acquiredD.established2. A. joinedC.supported3.43. A. partnershipB. connection C. agreementD. comparis onA4. A. tradeB.law C.politicsD. relationship45. A. vacation B. adventure C.measureD. flight
