





The round table is a 43of a reunion of our families and an 44 to our families.But as a matter of fact, in China, almost everything can be solved over a 45 table. Themarriari ge bells between a loving couple and the 46 between busines partners can allhappen on the same round table. 47 , I start to wonder what this round table is to us, andits rue significance starts to 48 in front of me.The food on the table may 49 with time. The reasons why we come together may be50, but the sensation behind it remains the same. And that is our tolerance of differentpeople or willingness to 51 different cultures.In less than two months before the Spring Festival, a(n) 52 epic migration wouldtake place in China. The power that 53 us to do so has been sustaining Chinesecivilization for thousands of years, and even the history of our nation has been the stories of54or running to the round table to which we 55 . The round table is and will alwaysbe a symbol of the Chinese sensation.B41. A. imagine B.reunite C.repeat D.flee042.A. strangers B.teachers C.adults D.teenagersA 43.A. symbol B.schedule C. decoration D.ceremonyD44. A argument B.occupation C.operation D.attachmentA45.AA. roundB.new C.long D.squareB16.A. dreamsB.negotiations C.secrets D.experimentsC47. A.ObviouslyB.Moreover C.Consequently D.Instead48. A.exploreB.expand C.compete D.unfoldB49.A. keepB.change C.sellAD.display50. A. variousB.public C.typicalAD.temporary51.Aaccept0 B.predict C.forbid D.switch.A. modernD B.innovative3.AC.unnecessary D.annualA. forces


51. A. offered B.taught C.advised D. prom nised52.A. goals B.food C.projects D.time53.A. believe B.claim C.prove D.mention54.A. stable B. brave C.wonderful D.modest55.A.amusement B.business C.education D.politics

2.What does the man advise the woman to do?A.See Mr Smith.B.Type the letter again.C.Ask Mr Smith to type the letter.
