耀正文化 2024届名校名师测评卷(二)英语

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耀正文化 2024届名校名师测评卷(二)英语试卷答案


耀正文化 2024届名校名师测评卷(二)英语

26. Which statement is supported by Hodges?A.Climate change has minimal impact on snl mon habitats.B. Salmon eggs are sensitive to the rise of water temperature.C. Their equipment failure caused a decrease in water temperature.D. Students observe the tank to learn about pollution caused by salmon.

耀正文化 2024届名校名师测评卷(二)英语

25.How does the Lion Lights system work?A.It controls electric fences to trap lions.B.It operates on a single energy source.C.It patterns the human existence using lights.D.It uses strong flashing lights to scare lions away.

耀正文化 2024届名校名师测评卷(二)英语

this, we can contribute to the conservation of these large creatures and ensure their survivalfor generations to come.32.What do we know about the spots of giraffes?A.They help protect giraffes.B.They are the same pattern.C.They look like giraffes'footprints.D.They appear on giraffes occasionally.

耀正文化 2024届名校名师测评卷(二)英语

1. What does the woman dislike to have on her sandwich?A. Mustard. B. Cheese. C. Tomatoes.

30. What changes did the researchers focus on in the study?A.The fish numbers. B.The bay on the island.C. The coastal landscape. D.The make-up of the local creeks.
