





41. A. experience B.trip C.InsteadD. Moreover42. A. ThereforeB.OtherwiseC. communicateD. prepare43. A. growB.weedC. eco friendlyD. effectiveD.life


his classmates to go to Conrad's for a moment of discussion about the game competition. Thediscussion is as 48 as a real high school game, which makes Conrad forget the hurt.Finally, the doctors found a new 49 to reduce the pain. Conrad walks without much pain,and then begins running, but he still has to learn the 50 of running. After a childhood of walkingcarefully and taking 51 steps, Conrad has to train his walking like a kid again and stay in shape.He pushes himself every day, building his lungs and doing lg lifts repeatedly for his leg 52. Heknows what pain feels like, but running for Conrad is no longer 53.To Conrad's delight, he gets a chance to join the cross country team. Conrad doesn't win, notonce, but Marcus is there, 54 for him who always finishes in the middle of the competitors,breathing in wind and waving his hands 55.41.A.gives up B.competes in C.hears of D.breaks through42.A.able B.lucky C.eager D.calm43.A.bears B.counts C.forgets D.escapes44.A.accept B.enjoy C.lose D.miss45.A.strangers B.enemies C.friends D.teachers46.A.surprise B.sadness C.impatience D.tiredness47.A.promises B.asks C.drives D.forces48.A.long B.noisy C.boring D.interesting49.A.treatment B.excuse C.period D.topic50.A.goal B.style C.speed D.skill51.A.suitable B.serious C.small D.comfor table52.A.strength B.show C.shape D.advantage53.A.relaxing B.beneficial C.painful D.meaningful


12.What will the two speakers probably do next?A.Watch an opera.B.Talk about the performers.C.Learn a new language.


R233. In which section of a newspaper can you read the text?A.Fashion. B. Tour.C.Entertainment. D. Science.e.

9. What does the speaker suggest taking to the theater?A. A smart phone. B. A jacket. C.A bag of snacks.20. Who is the speaker probably talking to?
