





4.Why does Anna come to Paris?B..TTo workC. To do some shopping.will the weather be like next week? C.Sunny.B.Rainy.


38.When will the film about dogs start on March 2?A.At2:00 pm.B.At6:30 pm. C.At7:00 pm. D.At8:15 pm.


第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。56(locate) inside a downtown hutong in Beijing, the Star Theater has become a well-knownstage for new dramas, where, since June, Wang Guang 57 (play) the leading role in more than30 performances of the drama, The Desperate Love.In the small theater, which has very 58 (limit) space, the distance between actors on stageinteract with the audience through eye contact, ”Wang Guang says, talking about his special momentsshe 60 (touch) by the play, perhaps because it brought back 61 (memory) of her youth.”and the first row of seats is about three meters.“When I am on the stage, I can 59 (easy)on stage.“On one occasion, I made eye contact with an elderly woman, with tears in her e yes. MaybeWang Guang's outstanding performance in The Desperate Love has won him opportunities to takewith a good start to his career.“I hope someday to become 63 director of stage dramas, ”hepart 62 more plays staged by the theater. He says he is taking music and dance courses toimprove his overall skill set. Wang Guang says that performing at the small theater has provided himadds.He offered the boys a chance to touch the snake.____


A. On May 1st.B. OnJune30th.C.On July 31st.D.On June 1st.62. What do we buy for grandma's birthday?A. Some fish B.One birthday cake and vegetables.C.Vegetable D. A birthday cake and some fruit.

8.Where are David's travel dod ments?A.On the counter. B.In the bedroom. C.In the backpack.

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