





阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。nese animated film, ChangAn.featuring some of China's most well-known poets, has won prais56 (attract) interest in traditional Chinese poetry and has been a surprise hit at the box____Since 557(it) release on July 8, the film has fetched over 700 million yuan as of Monday.____Chang fan was the capital of the Tang dyma sty, one of the world's 63 (large) cities at the time. The m____Chinese name, 330,000Miles from Chang An, is taken 64 a poem by Ming Dynasty poet Chen Zi long.____The final scene of the movie features one of Li B3ai’s well-known poems, Leaving B aid i in tMom ing, 65 was written by the poet to express his joy of returning home from exile(流放) following th____Lushan Rebellion.The film is set in the Tang dynasty, an 58 (especial) prosperous(繁荣的) era of Chinese history from 618 ____ to90 d 59 (describe) some of the erals most famous poets including Li B a i, ____nd Gao hi-allhousehold names in ChinaThe film revolves(围绕) around the 60 (story) of G ao Shi and Li B a i, describing their struggles to____ o bbetterthemselves and society in the Tang dynasty. Drawing inspiration from Chinese history and culture, 61____almos tthree -hour-iong film features 48 well-known Tang poems, enabling audiences 62 (appreciate) traditiona____ lChinese culture on the big screenhe1eA n


( ) 60.What does the underlined word “cover”mean(画线单词“cover”的意思是什____么)?A.画板 B.课程 C.封面 D.菜单


15.What factor does the womancare most about building design?A. Low costs. B. Modern styles. C. Environmental protection.


20.Why does the speaker mention the movie industry?A.To evaluate the effect of AIDA.B.To show how to make a movie.C.To present how AIDA works.

31 31. What does the text mA. The reason whyB. The function of C. The reason whyD. The way our bra
