





35.What is Ali Amiri’s attitude toward the new result?ntA.FavoNCDi00B. Doubtful. C.Critical. D.Objective.


44.A.Regretfully B.Hopefully C.Thankfully D.Unfortunately45.A. money-savingB.labour-demandingC.energy-efficientD.time-consuming


16.What is the disadvantage of Broad green?A.There is too much noise.B.The rents are high.C.It's far from shopping centers.


Even in this age of smartphones, Wa kamiya Masako feels older people in rapidly aging Japan arekept out of the tech loop. The y are 21 with modern i technology.Wa kamiya Masako, who is in her 80s, wanted to do something about this . 22 many olderpeople, she's been using computers for years. But she noticed that a lot of her older friends and neigh-b ours had a hard time learning to use smartphones. It23to her that part of the problem could bethat there are n'tany games and apps tei24 at their age group. She says games are a good way tomake people comfortable with using new technologies. So she decided to see if it was possible to createa gaming app for 25. She first turned to an expert for help and spoke to the president of an appcompany. But he 26 she create the app herself and that he would help her. Wakamniya 27 the chal-lenge and struggled for six months to create the game.In 2017; at the age of 82, she28Hinadan. The game 29 Japan's Hina matsuri festival, acelebration of Girls'Day. On the Hina dan app, which 30 its name from a kind of multi-leveled31 for displaying traditional Japanese dolls users must move dolls into 32 posiions based onthe dolls roles the emperor and the empress, court ladies and court musicians with instruments. Thepuzzle-like game has now been released in five 33.Wa kamiya is now famous at home and abroad for being one of the oldest app 34 in the world.She has been praised by Japanese leaders and global technology executives for 35 age barriers.____Today she frequently gives talks to encourage older people to overcome their discomfort with technology.21.A.in differentB.unfamiliar C.uncomfortableD. unconfident22.A.Unlike B.Alongside C.Besides D.Among23.A.struck B.occurred C.dawned D.happened24.A.aimed B.designed C.intended D.meant

24.-It seems that Helen is always ____Ao she is. She is full of energy all the time to do everything.A. lively B. healthyC.careful D.use ful
