





阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。听It is strange how a small moment can change a person's life. My son walked into themakitchen this morning and opened his 41 to me. I opened my arms too and gave him a bighug just like I do every morning. And this time a 42 memory(回忆) came back to me.My Italian grandma had been a big hugger when I was a boy, but my mum and dad didn'thug me much as I got 43 . By the time I was a teenager then, except for my grandma, Ididn't hug anyone.When I was sixteen, I 44 on a trip with a group oon a trip with a group of boys to tour a college. And on ourway there, we also 45 an old temple(寺庙) . As we entered we were 46 there by thelargest monk I had ever seen. He was over six and a half feet tall with 47 arms. And as____he welcomed us, he gave each one of us a huge hug. When my own 48 came, I felt scaredbut 49 in and hugged him back . Ifelt 50 in my heart a s he shared his loving-dnesess.I felt peace and pleasure in my 51 as well. It was amazing. Later that day Ibegan to 52 why I had ever stopped giving and 53 hugs when they brought somuch 54.When my own children were born the n I 55 to never stop hugging them and tellingthem I loved them, no matter how big they grew or how old they got.41.A.eyes B.hands C.mouth D.arms42.A.beautiful B.poor C.nervous D.serious43.A.slower B.stronger C.quicker D.older44.A.put B.opened C.left D.looked45.A.burned down B.stopped by C.asked for D.thought of46.A.cheated B.annoyed C.checked D.welcomed


The Chinese government should work hard to promote harmony(和谐) between humanityand nature, and a new form of human advancement(前进) , according to the____report of the 20th CPC National Congress.A.achieve B.shape C.create D.produce


听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。17.How long did it take from New York to Miami by air?A.About 2 hours. B.About 3 hours. C.About 5 hours.18.Why did the speaker go on holiday in Miami?A.It was cheaper. B.It was nearer. C.It was warmer.19.Where did the speaker eat breakfast?A.In the hotel room.B.In the dining hall.C.Outdoors by the pool.20.When did the speaker go dancing?A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.In the evening.


5.Why does the man choose the guitar?A.He wants to be different.B.He wants to be like his friends.C.He thinks it is cool to play the guitar.

35. What is the best title for the text?A.Solar-powered parties are on the rise in Europe.B.Solar SoundSystem celebrates its 24 birthday.C.An eco-friendly company released a vinyl record.D.Humans should be concerned about climate change.
