





29. What can we know atA. They role-playedB. They watched a viC. They imagined talD. They offered crea


c( ) 57. What class is Anna in?I’m Kate. I have three good friends, Now let’s look at them.like white, bur like black I have two back jackets and a lack drs.My pa me is A lies Im in Ziyang Mile School Im in Class Four, Grade S even. Yellow is my favouritecolour. I like wearing yellow clothes. I have five colour fui scarves. I have a nice f and ly.our. I likeHit I’m Sally Brown. I’m from Canada But now I live with my und le and sunt in China. Im in PEPMiddle School Im in Cl as s Ome, Grade Eight. The lie living with my uncle and sunt is cl our ful for me. I likepurple I have a purple dress, a purple shirt and a purple jacket.?A. Class 2. B. Class 1.C. Class 7. D. Class 4.


26.What is the author's decision after his second coat becomes old?A.Telling his daughter. B.Buying a new one soon.C.Donating it to charity. D.Sending something else to charity.


26. What can we learn from the text?A.It is very tough for Gee to giveaway the box.B.Ella and Jim are eager to move to the new house.C.Ella thinks it is a good deal to gain an extra room.D.Ella's Christmas tree is labeled in Tom's handwriting.

D) 40. -. What’s that in English?____一-It's a baseball.A.I’m sorry B. You're welcomeC. Thank you D. Excuse me
