





听下面一段对话,回答第8至10小题。) 8. What does the woman suggest putting in the small bag?0B. The snacks. C.The toothbrush.A. The clothes.9.What are the two speakers going to do?B. To take the plane.C.To watch a movie.A. To take the train.) 10. What is the boy going to do when he feels bored?B. To play games C.To watch a movie.A. To listen to music.


3. In which month is the woman going to take her holiday?CA.July. B.September. C. August.


34. Why are adults fond of watching fictional movies?A.They desire to return to the long-lost childhood.B.Everything will become better in movies than in real life.C. They want to get away from pressure from life and work.D.They didn't watch such exciting movies when they were young.


听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的AB、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段5对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍,对话1.When is Grandpa's birthday?A. On May 6.B.On May 7. C.On May 8.

fall is 5 to 15 minutes before the sunset. Only at thisCapitan Picnic Area is the best place to watch, beausecameras and tents.can visitors see the firefall. The Elis close to the fall and is perfect to set up70. The first paragraph mainly tells us .____Every year in February, thousands of photographerar before suns naanview may appear just minutes before sunset, many of them have to come hours earlier to get a rightwant to miss during the winter, ”says Kate Moore, a ra eller.place to set their cameras in time. “I’m just saying that the Yosemite Firefall is something you don’tA. how the firefall got its nameC. who was the first to find the firefallB..wD. y it's easy to see the firefall71. What can we know about the firefall?On which day we can visit the firefall
