





4. What are the speakers going to do this afternoon?Play tennis. (B Watch a play. C. Have lessons.5. When will Linda celebrate her birthday?A. On December 30th.(B. On December 25th. C.On In December 20th.


第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。Life brings several ups and downs but nothing lasts forever. Nothing 4l it better than the life of divingcoach Chf f Devries. Life had been 42 to him bu t his will led the way to making him one of the most 43persons in the world.Devries built the dream of becoming a swimmer. His remarkable talent 44could allow him to realize it.However, life was not just roses and he 45 to have one of the most painful experiences of his life. In hisrosesearly youth, he began to have shoulder abnormalities and then felt 46.Due to his failing 47, his performance in training worsened Devries turned to medical help, and theto his 4488stated Devries had a big tumor(肿瘤) in his spDevries y pDevries even had 51 in moving a finger.ne(脊柱) and the doctors said he wouldn’t 49it.Devries said, "All my plans of a future, a family and everything were 50. After a surgery in New York,$$n ^ { - }$$However, every bad period comes to a(n)52Devries pulled through with his will to 53 andworked hard towards his dream. He sought 54 . exercise and all he needed to back up his feet. Soon, he wasable to start standing and 55 walking a few steps with the help of a stick. After many 56 , he became a【高三10月质量检测:英语第第6页(共8 】L


( ) 44.Anthony Drake is probably .____A.a student B.a teacher C.a do et or D.a t at her


B15. What did Bangar i set up for women?A. Night schools. B. Tree nurseries.C. Child hospitals.

( ) 67.Which of the following can be the best title?A.One Best Way to Relax Ourselves.B.One Best Way to Know the World Better.C.Make Good Use of Our Free Time.D.Let Kids Watch TV on School Nights.
