





15.Why does the man insist on visiting the picnic area?A.His parents live there.B.It has magical scenery.C.It was his wedding place.


“And when I posted it, I got a(n) 51 from Kristi, ”Jones said. Hadfield message dJones and said, “Hey, I've got your kidney here. ”Hadfield was eventually cleared to be akidney 52 and the two women met for the first time. And on December 27, the operationfinally 53. The operation went as planned and was 54 .“It was amazing. Kristi gaveme back my 55 , ”Jones said.41.A.knew B.caught C.rescued D.employed42.A. having B.avoiding C.escaping D.curing43.A.enjoy B.remember C.regret D.imagine44.A.came across B.worked on C.turned to D.got to45.A.Fortunately B.Gradually C.Disappointed lyD.Basically46.A.agreement B.touch C.comparis on D.competition47.A.female B.strange C.serious D.former48.A.order B.gift C.request D.suggestion49.A.identified B.recommended C.shared D.heard50.A.quit B.appreciateC.allow D.consider51.A.invitation B.message C.argument D.description52.A.provider B.waiter C.user D.protector53.A.set out B.took place C.shut up D.came back54.A.remarkable B.unique C.successful D.significant55.A.life B.luck C.money D.thanks


I.短对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一 个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。1.What does Mr Wang advise the girl to do?A.2.Which festival are the tthe two spe alo speakers talking about?3.What did the girl think of the football game?A.Boring. B.Terrible. C. Wonderful.4.Where is the dictionary?A.In the bag.B. In the desk. C. On the sofa.


Li has been cleaning the lake for over 30 years. In 1987, the local governmentstarted a volunteer program to deal with the growing number of water hyacinths(水葫芦) . Li joined it. The following year, an all-woman team was built to do the cleaning inthe lake. Their job was to eliminate the water hyacinths and the rubbish in the lake. Liwas the leader of the team.Since then, Li and her team have often been seen starting work at 7 a. m. The har-dest time is from June to August, when the water hyacinths grow fastest. Plants andrubbish during this time are blown in from many different directions. The rain some-times makes the work even harder.“I grew up near Dian chi Lake. I clean it not only for the lake, but also for myself, ”Li Yun li said.“As long as I work hard to take the lead in the cleanup, more people willjoin us to protect Dian chi Lake, and the lake will return to its best condition.”Thanks to the team's work and the increasing attention from the local government,we see positive(积极的) changes of the lake.( ) 59. Why did many local people leave Dian chi Lake?A. Because they wanted to save the lake.B.Because they found better jobs in other cities.C.Because the government told them to leave.D.Because there were no more fish in the lake.( ) 60.How long has Li cleaned the lake?

344.What does the underlined word “stirring”in paragraph 3 mean?A. Tiring. B.Simple. C.EExciting. Similar.
