12.What is the woman going to do now?C.See a dentist.A.Go shopping. B.Attend a concert.
61. How long is a light year?A.5, 865, 696, 000, 000 miles. B.5, 865, 696, 000 miles.C.24, 000, 000, 000 miles. D.9, 460, 800, 000, 000 kilometers.
30. What can we infer from para grap 5?A. Young people often competeuhold people.B. Retired people take up bad occupations.C.Retired people are also under peer pressure.D. A compari on trap helps young people advance.
A. A photo.12. What does the mthe man thir k of Pamela AnderA. She is a great actress.C. She attracts peoB. Shhe looks younger than on the screen.r acts people because of her appearance.下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。BA
25. How did Christina MacMillan first respond to her son's action?A. Shocked. B.Worried. C. Frightened. D.Excited.