7.What does the woman ask the man to do?A.Set the table.BB.Come on time. C.Believe in her.
5.Where does the-conversation probably take place?A.In a café. B.In a library. C.In a computer room.
3.Why does the woman recommend Gramercy Tavern?A.Its price is low. B. Its food is tasty. C.Its service is excellent.
2.What does the woman suggest buying?A. Some fried chicken.B.Some toasted bread.C.Some vegetables and meat.
听 下面5段对话。每段对话后有一 个小题,从 中所前的,.C三个选项中或出最柱 项。完每段对话后,作都有10秒钟的时间来 路有关小 和 读下 小 。阿段对活仅读一 ,. Why did the police officer s top the woman?A. Becau of the driving spedB. Because of the license peo b lensC. Be case of the broken tail light2. How does the man feel?. Confident. B. Nervous C. x ited.